Male health blood tests

Male health blood tests

As a general rule, men in the UK take terrible care of their health. They ignore injuries and will avoid going to their GP for general health issues, paying little heed to symptoms that may be indicative of major health issues.

Mens Health Statistics

  • One man in Five dies before he reaches 65.
  • The biggest single cause of death in men is Cancer.
  • The second single cause of death is circulatory disease.

Our Core Wellman test is a specifically designed postal test that can be conducted at home by either a finger-prick kit or we could arrange professional blood collection for you instead. Focusing on core areas of your health such as heart disease, diabetes, and liver disease, the tests also conducts checks on Vitamin levels and Iron, Thyroid and Kidney parameters as well as providing a screen for prostate cancer and a screen for bowel cancer. Add on a testosterone check if you want to investigate energy levels that seem to be decreasing as you age.
5 tests
Quick and Reliable

There's a reason that over 30% of Blue Horizon Kit requests are from patients that have used us before.